Let's say we want to release port
(and we do not want to restart our
First, find the Process ID that is using the port.
The easy way:
Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 8081).OwningProcess
Usually that works. But, if the easy way indicates that
is the owning
process, then we need to see more detail with the hard way...
The hard way:
netsh http show servicestate view=requestq | Add-Content netsh.txt;
notepad netsh.txt;
In the hard way, once
is open in Notepad, search for
and make note of the associated Process IDs.
Second, stop the associated process.
Stop-Process -ID 66476
All done. The port will now be free. :-)
P.S. This utility might also be handy for the "Hard Way" scenario. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/tcpview